Naman Pranamasana
prostration pose
Sit in vajrasana. Grasp the lower calves just above the ankles, keeping the thumbs uppermost.
Slowly bend forward and place the crown of the head on the floor in front of the knees. (Place a small folded blanket under the head.)
Raise the buttocks as high as possible, allowing the chin to press against the chest, until the thighs are as vertical as comfortable. Remain in the final position for 5 to 20 seconds.
Lower the buttocks and come back into shashankasana for a short time before returning to vajrasana.
Practise this asana 5 times.
Inhale in vajrasana.
Exhale while lowering the head to the floor.
Inhale while raising the buttocks.
Hold the breath in the final position or breathe normally if remaining in the position for more than a few seconds.
Exhale while sitting the buttocks back on the heels.
Rest in shashankasana, breathing normally.
Inhale while raising the trunk and head and returning to vajrasana.
Physical – on the increased pressure on the crown of the head in the final position, and on the synchronization of the breath with the physical movement.
Spiritual – on sahasrara chakra.
Not to be performed by people with vertigo, weak neck or high blood pressure. Cautions for inverted postures apply.
As a preparatory practice for sirshasana (the head- stand pose) it allows the brain to gradually adapt to the extra pressure in the head when the body is inverted. It gives many of the benefits of sirshasana, but to a lesser degree.