abdominal stretch pose
Squat with the feet apart and the hands on the knees.
Inhale deeply.
Exhale, bringing the right knee to the floor near the left foot.
Using the left hand as a lever, push the left knee towards the right, simultaneously twisting to the left.
Keep the inside of the right foot on the floor.
Try to squeeze the lower abdomen with the combined pressure of both thighs.
Look over the left shoulder.
Hold the breath out for 3 to 5 seconds in the final position. Inhale when returning to the starting position.
Repeat on the other side of the body to complete one round.
Practise 5 to 10 rounds.
On the movement and the alternate stretch and compression of the lower abdomen, and on the synchronized breath.
Not for people with knee problems or sciatica.
This pose is very useful for abdominal ailments because it alternately compresses and stretches the organs and muscles of this region. It also relieves constipation.
This is one of the asanas practised in shankhaprakshalana. Take care not to overstretch the back as the body begins to feel lighter and more flexible.